Wednesday 18 June 2014

What am I Reading?

At home I love to read and many of my favourite books are books you might like to have a go at reading.  Remember sometimes you can read with Mum, Dad, Nan, Pop, your sister or your brother.  We are enjoying all books Terry Denton related in my house and have our very own fish named silver fish who I like to believe gets up all sorts of exciting things when we head off to school each day.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Writer's notebook.

This week we have introduced Writer's Notebook and the children are really enjoying it!  Everyone was so engaged in their writing, there was not even a sound in the classroom.  Even when the lunch bell went no one wanted to pack up!  An Animal's Tale has them all writing amazing tales of their own.

3D shapes

Today we made 3D shapes using icy-pole sticks and play dough (Blue tak LOL).
We explored how many faces our shapes had, how many corners and how many edges.  The hardest shapes to make ended up being our cube.

Can you name these 3D shapes?

Monday 16 June 2014

My Triarama

Today as part of our incursion day we made an animal out of clay and then designed a triarama to display the animals habitat.  We had so much fun and the results are amazing!!!!!  Look how clever we are.